Bioavailability of ALA from Different Forms of Flaxseed – what does the science say?

There is much confusion around the “bioavailability” of nutrients from various forms of flaxseed, in particular that of the essential omega-3 fatty acid – alpha linolenic acid. In the marketplace, flaxseed is most commonly found in forms including whole seed, ground milled seed and oil. Additionally, constituents from flaxseed such as lignans and fibre are Read More

Effects of Flaxseed Oil on Serum Bone Turnover Markers in Hemodialysis Patients: a Randomized Controlled Trial.

Effect of one and two months high dose alpha-linolenic acid treatment on 13 C-labeled alpha-linolenic acid incorporation and conversion in healthy subjects.

Effect of supplementation with flaxseed oil and different doses of fish oil for 2 weeks on plasma phosphatidylcholine fatty acids in young women.

Comparing isolated soy protein with flaxseed oil vs isolated soy protein with corn oil and wheat flour with corn oil consumption on muscle catabolism, liver function, blood lipid, and sugar in burn patients: a randomized clinical trial.

Anticancer potentiality of lignan rich fraction of six Flaxseed cultivars.

Effect of flaxseed oil and flour on sensory, physicochemical and fatty acid profile of the fruit yoghurt.

Flaxseed oil ameliorates alcoholic liver disease via anti-inflammation and modulating gut microbiota in mice.

A Combination of Flaxseed Oil and Astaxanthin Improves Hepatic Lipid Accumulation and Reduces Oxidative Stress in High Fat-Diet Fed Rats.

Quality Properties of Sesame and Olive Oils Incorporated with Flaxseed Oil