Nutrients, 2021, 13, 919.

Enterolignan Production in a Flaxseed Intervention Study in Postmenopausal US Women of African Ancestry and European Ancestry.

McCann, S.E Hullar, M.A.J Tritchler, D.L et al.


Given the contribution of individual characteristics to variation in lignan metabolism, ethnicity may also be an important effect modifier, as ethnicity can incorporate genetic diversity, microbial diversity, and sociocultural and lifestyle factors, including diet. As mentioned above, as lignans have structural and functional similarities to endogenous estrogens as well as anticarcinogenic activities, determination of influences on lignan production are relevant to postmenopausal women who are at higher risk for hormone-related cancers. Therefore, we conducted a FS dietary intervention study in healthy postmenopausal women to determine how variation in GMC affects the production of the bacterially derived enterolignans, ENL and ED, and how these associations differ for non-Hispanic US women of African ancestry (AA) and European ancestry (EA).

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