Fermented vegetable spreads could offer an opportunity to diversify the range of plant-based foods. The challenge in developing the spreads is to achieve high quality, including stable consistency, consumer desirability and high nutritional value. The aim was to evaluate the application of chia and flaxseed meal for fermented zucchini-cucumber spread production. The effect on the chemical composition, phenolic compound content, antioxidant activity, and sensory quality of the vegetable spread was evaluated. Its color, viscosity, and microstructure were also analyzed using instrumental methods. The meal addition varied from 4.0 to 14.0%. The spread with meal addition had higher fat, protein, ash, and dietary fiber content than the control. Total free phenolic compound content and antioxidant activity also increased, and chia seed meal impacted the parameters more. On the contrary, flaxseed meal improved more the product’s consumer desirability than chia. Both were effective gelling agents that increased viscosity and enhanced product spreadability, and only flaxseed meal showed a masking ability. Its addition reduced the perception and intensity of the bitter, tart, and sour taste. The spread formula consisting of fermented zucchini and cucumber with 9 to 11.5% flaxseed meal addition was the most recommended to achieve the product with high consumer desirability.
Link to Full TextFoods, 2025, Jan 29;14(3):438. doi: 10.3390/foods14030438